Friday, April 20, 2012

Sydney Royal Easter Show

Last week we visited Sydney for a couple of days, to shop, visit the Royal Easter Show and just get away from home for a while.  The pic of the Opera House above was taken from the Contemporary Art Museum.
The Sydney Harbour Bridge from a distance.

The entry gates to the Show. As you can see, the show is massive. And very popular. These kinds of shows feature fairground rides, arts and crafts and community events. But mainly these shows feature Rural and Regional competitions across all categories - farm animals, domestic animals, fruit and vegetable produce.
A way for the city and country to mix. It's all very interesting.

We travelled home via the local train which I have christened ProleRail. The level of comfort and luxury can be be seen in one of the exclusive rail booths above. All hail ProleRail!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Aussie Bugs

Last week I was at work outside, supervising students at Sport. I was talking to some kids when I felt a pain on my leg. I swatted at something attached to my leg, and the bug above fell off. I took it inside, took a photo, used a pencil for scale.
Check it out! Check out the mouth parts on this little bastard! Zoom in.

My leg after the bug was removed.
Yes, the red bit... that's blood. MY blood.
If you live in Australia you have to be prepared to get bit!