Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Still Kicking

Hello all,

I haven't been able to post pics of my car crash. This blogging site seems to have switched posting protocols, so I will just have to keep trying.

Anyway... March 3 was the three month anniversary of my heart operation. I'm on half a dozen medications - mainly for either sustaining a low blood pressure and/or preventing blood clots forming around my artificial heart valve. And I'm exercising regularly. I fact I've lost quite a lot of weight, at least 20 kilos, which is substantial. I'm trying to get to around 90 kilos; an ideal weight for my BMI.

I don't know when I'll be back at work - waiting for my cardiologist's all clear. But whatever happens, I'm not going back to a high stress environment. Nothing at work is going to stress me out - of this I'm determined. If my boss' aren't happy about this then I'll either quit or they can fire me. I've learned one thing over the last couple of months - "Life is too short. Live and love every day."

Anyway, I hope to post some pics soon.


1 comment:

  1. Steve you needed to loose some weight anyway. so you had to face your own mortality to know that? Meh! You're alive. That is the main thing.
